About Glossi
Automate your ad quality validation and maximize your performance
Our Philosophy
At Glossi, we believe that the open internet is critical for a free, innovative, and competitive marketplace. But to make that happen the industry needs to focus on trust and quality. By leveraging advertising data across the ecosystem Glossi ensures that quality is always a priority.
We believe that the future of advertising is data-driven and transparent. That's why we're committed to providing publishers and advertisers with the tools they need to make informed decisions and take control of their ad quality.
By leveraging a combination of AI and human review, combined with industyr-wide data, we are able to provide a comprehensive and accurate analysis of your bid responses. We offer both syncronous and asyncronous analysis to ensure that you can use the data as soon as you need and are able to apply your own unique filters and rules to match your liquidity goals.
Our Team

Dan Goldin
Dan is a seasoned ad tech professional with over a decade of experience in the industry. He led TripleLift's engineering team through the acquisiton by Vista Private Equity for $1.4B in 2021. Dan has a passion for solving complex problems and has a proven track record of success in the ad tech space.
He believes that the open internet is critical for a free, innovative, and competitive marketplace. In order to make that a reality trust and quality are paramount. Publishers and advertisers need to be able to trust that the ads they serve are safe and high quality.